REACH OUT - Suicidal
Ideation, Concept, Communication, Video, VFX, Title design, Audio design, SFX & Poster 
The REACH OUT project came along when our teacher Dorte Nielsen, took us through her course in Creativity & Ideation. It's part of the brief from Our Sustainable Future (OSF) which Creative Circle held in year 2024.
My team, consisting of Ida, Nivetha, Frederik and myself had a wonderful time brainstorming and creating concepts that would communicate the chosen Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) "Mental Health".

We sent our project in and got shortlisted. It was great experience.

Shortlisted for Creative Circle Award 2024 - Our Sustainable Future:
When given the brief a discovery phase got initiated by looking into the SDG's and figuring out which one we wanted to work with.
We brainstormed on 2 different Goals but ended up with the topic of Suicide which spoke directly into the 3rd SDG about Mental Health.

These early brainstorms shows our thought process for the topic and we was in search of the good idea and concept.
Insight & communication: A Taboo
Time went and we got a deeper understanding of suicide, and being suicidal as mental state. One thing that stood clear for us was that it's a taboo for a suicidal person and not easy to share or express.

I took the word and elaborated on the feeling or state which is a metaphor for one trying to reach into him/herself but hardly reaches anything. The mind is muddy, cloudy and dark.

At this point, one should reach out. We had a epiphany in the team that this was a clear and precise way of communicating the problem and to call upon action.
It became: "If you can't reach in, you need to reach out".

This concept was now ready to be developed further.

In the team we had one or two more ideas that was being discussed.

Time went and I decided to call it, and go for the "Reach out" concept.
The idea was born: "Reach Out"
I wanted to show that a person is in a suicidal state visually. From our research words like muddy, dark, spinning/racing thoughts gave me a feeling of what kind of visuals I could be inspired to create.

I thought of a video starting clear, going dark, spinning around to show the visuals from the mind struggling in the suicidal person.

Milk and black food color was the tools I decided to use, and I went to my old science high school to perform a little experiment with a magnetic stirrer.

I then filmed it and used it as foundation for the storytelling. 
Milk, black food color and a magnetic stirrer gave me this
Through subtitles the story is told and the words were carefully chosen with a text economic approach. Sound was needed to be added so I designed a soundtrack for the film in REAPER.

No voice because our own inner voice is more personal and non-biased than if we were to put on a voice.

Throughout the course we got feedback on the video and this gave especially the typography a lift. We went the typeface that UN uses.
VFX & SFX was designed and script for the subtitles were made

If you can't reach in.. REACH OUT
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