Our Sustainable Future 2025
Poster design, Communication & Ideation
Once again, a new project came along when our teacher Dorte Nielsen, took us through a course in Communication. This time it's part of the brief from Our Sustainable Future 2025 (OSF).

The theme of the creative brief for OSF 2025 is Water and is to promote the importance of water.

I applied to the Poster brief.
Research, brainstorming & ideation on "Water" 
How do you communicate the importance of water? Where to start?
A rather long proces of discovering the communicative potentials began to find insights about Water that could be expressed through a poster.

Call 2 action taglines, campaign taglines was part of the ideation process to see if a concept was strong and interesting enough.
Different taglines drove the concept for a later execution with the brief in mind - to communicate the importance of water.

First it was "Dont just drink... THINK".

Then it became "You need WATER, WATER needs you". This had a potential of using a cycle in a symbolic way through the rhetorics. And it became the concept.
Graphic design process
The words had to be arranged as a cycle and in a human, interesting, watery and clean way so that the communcation became precisely.

Also, so that I was read the right way. I did sketches and tested it with different persons to see how they read and understod the design.
Final execution was made
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